Everyone knows that Build the Wings of Your Future is EA representative motto. What should we have to do in order to put into practice our basic mindset? How we can offer something that could be attractive and enhancing for the next generation? EUROAVIA Napoli is focusing on some kind of activities which are going to encourage the relationships with aerospace professionals and specialists. The main goal is to foster an active integration
of University of Naples students and graduated Alumni in a dynamic work enviroment according to companies requests.
Upon this consideration, the 1st edition of the Job Matching Aerospace was carried out successfully on 3rd March 2016. The event, supported by University of Naples “Federico II” Industrial Engineering Department and Synergie Italia, official partner of EUROAVIA Napoli, was conceived to increase the matching supply with demand among young engineers and aerospace companies with the speed dating business philosophy.
Synergie Italia, a company founded from international experience of Synergie Group, offers to companies a wide range of services for the management of human resources. Its main goal is to analyze the needs of his customers, defining a profile of requested resource and to identify the appropriate candidates with whom job interview will manage

before inserting them at the aforementioned company. Thanks to Synergie Italia and its Aero division the idea to promote something appealing for young engineers grew up in cooperation with EUROAVIA Napoli. The Job Matching Aerospace event has meant to facilitate the entrance into the aeronautic network and has had “bilateral” advantages: it has enabled aerospace companies to seek personal and, at the same time, has enabled students to know the working reality of what they are studying, in addition to having the possibility to deliver their CV.
After more than 100 candidacy examination, 30 engineers were called to have several short job interviews with the involved companies, following a scheduled planning within a single day’s time. More than an half of them were looking for design engineers with design and finite elemements modelling skills as Protom Group, EuroSoft and IemLab.
Several business consultants were also interested in mamangement engineers to entrust them with some commissions. Other companies, such as Vulcanir, met airworthness engineers with high fluent English knowledge because of their main customers. Finally, ATM which is involved in a strong innovation and internazionalization process at the moment, focused on that kind of profiles able to be in contact with foreign potential customers, expecially both technical and sales marketing skilled.
The feedback received at the end of the day gave a signal of an excellent academic and technical knowledge of all the aerospace engineers coming from University of Naples. Due to the great success of the initiative and the large number of students running for bachelor and master degree, a second edition of the event will be organised is coming soon to select our future leaders.
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