At the Royal Theater of San Carlo in Naples, one of the most important opera house of the world, the last stage of the Post-flight Tour of “Futura” Space Mission took place with the first female Italian Astronaut Cap. Samantha Cristoforetti.
The event happened with the participation of the most influential and political representatives in office such as the Major of the city of Naples, the Governor of Campania District, the President of CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Center) and the Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti and her space colleague, the Russian Cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov.The tour started at the beginning of October from the city of Trento, Italy, where Samantha grew up;

then she was in Milan, Bologna, Rome and finally in Naples, as a final stage, where the Astronaut attended Air Force Academy in Pozzuoli.During the evening, Samantha spoke about her 200
days mission on ISS: “The ISS is the largest engineering feat ever achieved by NASA, ESA, ASI and the Russian space agency, and with the collaboration of other space agencies such as the Canadian and

Japanese. The ISS is in orbit around the Earth for 15 years and is a destination for humans in space where there are air to breathe, water, food and friends that literally open the door and welcome us. I like to call it an outpost of humanity in space” she declared.
One other important matter of speech was focused on experiments on the ISS, underlining that the most important are about human physiology. This topic was formerly discussed in May with Major L. Parmiatno when EUROAVIA Napoli met him at the Aeronautical Academy of Pozzuoli during his “Science, Technology, Exploration” conference.
Russian Cosmonaut spoke about an innovative cardiovascular system, Chibis : “Chibis is used to readjust the cardiovascular system to gravity. When we are on Earth, the blood circulation works thanks to the work of pumping of the heart and under the effect of gravity.
In zero gravity, the heart works less, because it must not take account of gravitational effects so the valves fall asleep. Imagine an astronaut who returns from a long stay from space, the blood begins to shift to the lower parts of the body.The valves do not work well and the
return of blood to the upper parts do not function and it is likely the astronaut lose consciousness. To awaken these valves, pants were created, called Chibis.You wear them two weeks before returning and that decreases the pressure around the legs compared

with the surrounding environment for the cardiovascular system to readjust to gravity.”
Surely, it was an incredible opportunity to attend this event in a prestigious and historical place such as the Theater. Thanks to EUROAVIA Napoli “Umberto Nobile” we obtained ten reserved pass for our members and last but not least, our President Daniele Vangone and EM Gianmarco Valletta, took a picture with Samantha!
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