At the beginning of the new year, EUROAVIA Napoli rolled out a series of initiatives and events which will be gladly protracted in the upcoming months. A special opportunity gave rise to a joyful atmosphere among students and professors, since it is going to be celebrated the 25th constituion anniversary.
Indeed, EUROAVIA Napoli was founded at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of University of Naples ” Federico II ” in 1991 by Prof. Luigi Gerardo Napolitano. Pioneer of micro-gravity, mechanical and aeronautical engineer, director of the Institute of Aerodynamics, Prof. Napolitano was undoubtely one of the brillant minds of our time thanks to whom the dream of an association which would have connected all young areospace engineering students began in Naples, as well as 32 years before the project of a great
European association led the birth of EUROAVIA network. The Local Group was later named after Gen. Umberto Nobile in 2003, of whom Prof. Napolitano was a student. He passed into annals of history due to his famous non-stop long-haul flight to the North Pole with Italia and Norge airship.
The organisation of the event granted a point of contact between young, institutions and Campania region aerospace companies. In addition to the participation of academics who supported EUROAVIA Napoli in the last years, specific moments were dedicated to our partners to increase match supply with demand among all the gathered people during the meeting. It was introduced by Nicola Cimmino and Daniele Vangone, EUROAVIA International Board and EUROAVIA Napoli Presidents, respectivelly. To follow, remarkable speeches were held by all the
partners and supporters which have common interests in promoting space and aeronautical activities for the benefit of mankind, through education and outreach.
Specific attention was payed to a CAD-CAM sessions by MES Group training managers. This comany aims to provide the best solutions about dimensional checks and mechanical equipment through the use of analysis and design softwares.
Moreover, the Center for Near Space, a center of competence of the Italian Institute for the Future participated talking about space. The impact of space activities on daily life was highlighted, as well as how the investments are much smaller in this field than what is commonly perceived. Center for Near Space mission is to contribute to the dissemination of the space culture among the young generations, to encourage and promote the growth of a privately funded Civil Astronautics sector for a wider access, fruition and human exploitation of the Earth sub-orbital space. The Center aims also to advance and develop Italian Space sciences, by stimulating a new vision of Near and Outer space
utilization as the Humankind Fourth Environment. Center for Near Space is designing a small hypersonic spaceplane for
very fast point-to-point transportation and sub-orbital space tourism, and is studying a new space infrastructure as a part of a future geo-lunar civilization scenario, including functions like space hub, ship maintenance and servicing, science laboratory and resort for a 100 people community.
During the second part of the day, the importance of aeronautical pole and the prospects which the District could offer to students after their academic training were discussed. In this circumstance, youth policy council member participated focusing on creativity and innovation as the primary material condition to make young peole aware of the cultural transformationt they could make nowadays.
At the end of the event, MES Group itself held a Job Meeting during which the students and graduates were able to deal directly with the company which received CV candidacies, lending post-graduate guidances.
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