Challenge For Design

The first EUROAVIA Napoli Racing Car Workshop, in which 24 students, divided into 6 teams had to challenge themselves over 10 intensive days from the 26th of February to the 7th of March 2021.
Contents: aerodynamic of the vehicle, downforce of the ailerons, basics of Ansys.
Soft and hard skills
public speaking
team working
problem solving
time management
Aerodynamic knowledge
software: Ansys
The first EUROAVIA Napoli Racing Car Workshop, in which 30 students, divided into 6 teams had to challenge themselves over 10 intensive days from the 26th of February to the 7th of March 2021.
Contents: aerodynamic of the vehicle, downforce of the ailerons, basics of Ansys.
Soft and hard skills
public speaking
team working
problem solving
time managment
software: ansys
Event program
26/02: Introduction of the event and partners presentation;
27/02: Basic theory lessons. The lectures were about general knowledge of motorsport, aerodynamics, and principles of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) with Ansys;
02/03: Technical support day. The participants had the chance to ask for support directly from our technical team;
05/03: Report delivery deadline. This document had to contain all the details about the decision making and the information about their work;
07/03: Work presentation day.
Event program

26/02: Introduction of the event and partners presentation;
27/02: Basic theory lessons. The lectures were about general knowledge of motorsport, aerodynamics, and principles of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) with Ansys;
02/03: Technical support day. The participants had the chance to ask for support directly from our technical team;
05/03: Report delivery deadline. This document had to contain all the details about the decision making and the information about their work;
07/03: Work presentation day.
Pasquale Scutiero
Angelo Mangione
Gabriele Salomone
Michela Gentile
Scuderia Figli di Bernoulli
Oreste Russo
Castrese Di Guida
Edoardo Gaspari
Martina Di Francia
Convergence 404
Fulvio Petti
Maria Mattiello
Mario Pastore
Vincenzo Sposito
Emanuele Viglietti
Giuseppe Parisi
Gennaro Basile
Osvaldo Santillo
Spoiler Alert
Federico Gaspari
Daniele di Somma
Adele Guerriero
Vitale Doppietti
312 F1
Giuseppe Porpiglia
Rosanna Gatti
Bruna Viscardi
Antonio Brunaccini
Pasquale Scutiero
Angelo Mangione
Gabriele Salomone
Michela Gentile
Oreste Russo
Castrese Di Guida
Edoardo Gaspari
Martina Di Francia
Fulvio Petti
Maria Mattiello
Mario Pastore
Vincenzo Sposito
Emanuele Viglietti
Giuseppe Parisi
Gennaro Basile
Osvaldo Santillo
Federico Gaspari
Daniele di Somma
Adele Guerriero
Vitale Doppietti
Giuseppe Porpiglia
Rosanna Gatti
Bruna Viscardi
Antonio Brunaccini



